Frequently Asked Questions

How do I lock in my booking to confirm the date?
  • A 25% deposit based on your most up-to-date or initial quotation is required to lock in Going Gourmet services.
  • Changing of dates may incur a fee or may be unavailable and should be discussed as soon as possible due to seasonal periods and high demand.
  • All menu selections, required extra services, a running schedule and timings, an address and final numbers, are due and to be final 10 days prior to your event.
  • Any details requested following this may be  unable to be accommodated.
  • Any changes may incur a late notice fee and/or non-refundable costs.
  • Final payment is due 7 days prior to the event, this is non-negotiable, late payments can incur a late fee or cancellation of an event.
  • Business or personal invoices can be requested prior to the 7 days.
  • A bench/table/or production space.
  • An oven/BBQ depending on recommendations of numbers and menu selection. (can be hired as per event order pricing from Going Gourmet)
  • Adequate power sources – power outlet/generator 10AMP. (domestic)
  • Adequate shelter or lighting. (outdoor lights, roof/umbrellas/tent/marquee in extreme weather-rain, heat)
  • Fridge space if discussed or required.
  • Travel fees are based on your location and how many vehicles are required for staff and equipment transport. (costs will be found in the totals area of your event order)
  • Your quote is valid for 2 weeks or based on date availability.
  • The price per head is based on approx numbers provided on enquiry details or discussions and are valid between that number and minimum numbers required.
  • The per person price is subject to change if numbers drop below or rise above the initial numbers.